Don't see drama - see love.
For all info contact C. Wallace - / Tel: +44 77677 38873
*Welsh champion boxer.
*World Freestyle and Break-dance Champion
*British doubles dance champion.
*Fourth Dan black belt in Karate
*World B,M,X Champion
*Studied philosophy at Oxford University
*Speaks eleven languages
*Cat whisperer
*Currently co directing a world
piece film with Spielberg.
* Noah plays and owns the lost horn of Atlantis, The drum of Genkis khan, the pied pipers flute.
*Taught himself law while in a correctional facility in Sierra Leone accused of political stirrings, he managed to get himself acquitted on all counts and changed the law to this day on a technical misdemeanour
*Noah is just about to win the world super natural championships and is now single mindedly fixing the o-zone layer.
*Currently learning to fly by using his focus technique I am nearly God.
*Noah lives with 700 0rphans and feeds them with an ancient loaves and fishes scroll he transcribed with the
Religious leaders.
*Noah is also holding the longest record for not eating he is now on his tenth year, and says, “I am now beginning to feel a little thirsty.”
Noah thinks its time to dumb down sing some pop songs and be on the telly.